
Widdersdorfer Straße 260
50933 Köln

Phone: +49(0)221.222 895-0
Fax: +49(0)221.222 895-99


CEO | Managing Partner
Christian Löwendorf
Court of registration: Cologne District Court [Amtsgericht], Commercial register no. HRB 98394
VAT ID no.: DE325367873

Web design and technical implementation:
LOEWENDORF Werbeagentur


Website content

The information on these pages has been carefully checked. However, we cannot guarantee that is it complete, accurate or up to date.

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Our website contains direct and indirect references and links to third-party websites (“links”).

We are not responsible for any of the content of linked pages. This applies to all links on our website.

In the case of links which are not the responsibility of LOEWENDORF MEDIEN GmbH, a liability obligation would only apply were LOEWENDORF MEDIEN GmbH aware of the content and were it technically feasible and reasonable for us to prevent use in the event of unlawful content.

LOEWENDORF MEDIEN GmbH hereby declares that the relevant pages were free from unlawful content at the time the links were created. However, LOEWENDORF MEDIEN GmbH has no control over the current or future form or content of the linked pages. We therefore cannot accept responsibility for any content on any linked pages that has been changed since the link was created. This disclaimer applies to all links and references on our website. Liability for unlawful, inaccurate and incomplete content, including but not limited to liability for loss arising from the use of or failure to use such information lies solely with the provider of the page referenced or linked and not with the party that has merely provided a link to the publication in question.


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LOEWENDORF MEDIEN GmbH makes every effort to respect the copyright of the images, diagrams, audio, video sequences and texts used in all publications; to use images, diagrams, audio, video sequences and texts we have produced ourselves, or to use royalty-free images, diagrams, audio, video sequences and texts. All brands and trademarks that are mentioned on the website and may be protected third-party brands or trademarks are subject in full to the provisions of applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the registered owners. The fact that a brand or trademark is mentioned by name does not mean that it is not subject to third-party rights.

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