work in progress Strong together

“The world is changing – and we are changing with it!” – the LOEWENDORF MEDIEN GROUP motto is especially true for the LOEWENDORF ACADEMY: the academy wants to lead and guide people into the changing markets and fields of work. 

A team is therefore now developing in-house concepts from keynote lectures to multi-day seminars in order to impart knowledge that is totally up to date for a successful future. They are planning training courses revolving around LOEWENDORF MEDIEN’s areas of expertise such as sales, online/offline marketing, PR, social media as well as corporate media and can introduce interesting topics such as media law or personal upskilling and many more.  

Taking advantage of the digital opportunities of online media, defining a strategy, standing out from the competition, planning search engine optimisation, launching marketing campaigns, avoiding social media traps, carrying out success analyses – these are just a few of the key concepts currently envisaged as event content for flexible further training. 

Defining sales opportunities, building sales skills and correctly interpreting sales successes – these can also be part of a tailor-made qualification, to give a few more concrete examples for a seminar here.

It is important to the LOEWENDORF ACADEMY to communicate current knowledge comprehensibly and comprehensively, so that it can be directly and effectively transferred into practice afterwards. Therefore, the trainers do not just offer participants the teaching of further skills within a time frame but also the possibility of personal exchange or discussion as well as reflection in the group. The LOEWENDORF ACADEMY will work exclusively with a pool of trainers that includes experienced professionals, consultants and developers.

The training centre is located in the new LOEWENDORF MEDIEN GROUP premises in the middle of Cologne.

The LOEWENDORF ACADEMY – a strong partner for qualifications in sales, media and marketing – offline and online.

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