Loewendorf Media Group

Creative communication, efficient implementation, effective impact - this is the philosophy of the LOEWENDORF Media Group, in which creative companies and strong brands complement and benefit from each other.


Behind all our brands, designs and concepts is a highly specialized team from a wide range of disciplines. We experience the collaborative work as daily inspiration - we are a melting pot of multifaceted talents that realizes both individual and perfect results for our customers. Our workplace is therefore much more than just an office: it is our creative space that turns profession into vocation.

A look behind the scenes

Light-flooded rooms and state-of-the-art technology, a puristic interior design and a warm ambience. Our working atmosphere is cheerful and exuberant, our work attitude highly concentrated and always state of the art. Here, brand worlds are created that are unparalleled in their attention to detail - take a look over our shoulder: welcome to our imaginative, creative world.

Creative trip to Hamburg

Let your mind wander, recharge your batteries with new ideas, and pave the way for new paths far away from the daily work routine: Our graphics team enjoyed a wonderful weekend in Hamburg in October. In addition to the conference program, sightseeing and wonderful moments of enjoyment made up the day's program and left plenty of time for private chats as well as promising brainstorming sessions. In the best of hands at the Design Hotel Gastwerk we could dream of great things...

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